Thrift Furniture Stores Coronado San Diego Ca

Cheque Availability

Travel Flexibility

In response to the uncertainty and changing marketplace conditions, Coronado Inn & Coronado Island Inn are committed to ensuring our guests' feel flexibility and understanding during these challenging times. With this in listen, we are implementing a flexible cancellation policy for reservations that are booked directly with the hotel. Please contact the hotel for farther information.

Guests who booked via online travel agents or other third-party travel professionals are advised to contact their booking provider for information on their policies.

Wellness And Prophylactic

Physical Distancing-
Guests will be brash to practice physical distancing while visiting the hotel and its dining outlets. We kindly asking standing at least six feet apart from other groups of guests while continuing in lines, or moving effectually the property. Markers will be placed on the floor in public areas equally reminders of the 6 anxiety distancing request. The hotel will comply with, or exceed, local or country mandated occupancy limits.

Hand Sanitizer-
Mitt sanitizer dispensers, touchless whenever possible, will exist placed at central guest entrances and contact areas such equally the hotel anteroom, and reception area.

Protective Face Covering-
Guests volition be asked to wear a protective face covering while in public areas/when around other groups of travelers. Extra masks will be available at the front desk upon request.

Guest Registration-
The front desk will exist arranged to maintain six feet altitude and protective drinking glass will be installed where possible.

Guest Rooms-
Invitee rooms volition be cleaned by a staff member wearing masks and gloves. All surfaces will exist wiped with manufacture leading cleaning solutions for COVID-19 and spraying disinfectant .

All bed linen and laundry will continue to exist done at a high temperature and in accordance with CDC guidelines.

Guest Checkout-
Guests will not demand to visit registration to check-out. Copies of their final neb tin exist emailed, faxed or mailed upon request.

During your Stay-
Should you go ill, self-isolate, contact local health regime and notify us immediately. We will promptly take additional protocols for your safe and the safety of others.

Cleaning Protocols

Coronado Inn & Coronado Isle Inn are using cleaning products and protocols which meet EPA guidelines and are approved for use and effective against viruses, bacteria and other airborne and bloodborne pathogens. We are working with our vendors, distribution partners and suppliers to ensure an uninterrupted supply of these cleaning supplies are readily bachelor.

Guest Rooms-
Industry leading cleaning and sanitizing protocols will be used to clean invitee rooms, with particular attending paid to loftier-bear on items including television remote controls, toilet seats and handles, door and furniture handles, h2o faucet handles, nightstands, telephones, in-room command panels, light switches, temperature control panels, alarm clocks, luggage racks and flooring.

Unless otherwise requested, guest's rooms will but exist cleaned every three days. Clean towels will be available daily upon request. These volition be delivered in a plastic purse. All bed linen and laundry will go on to be done at a loftier temperature and in accordance with CDC guidelines. Dirty linen volition be bagged in the invitee room to eliminate excess contact while beingness transported to the laundry facility.

Public Spaces/Communal Areas-
The frequency of cleaning and sanitizing has been increased in all public spaces with an emphasis on frequent contact surfaces including, but non limited to, forepart desk counters, door handles, room keys and locks, stair handrails, and seating areas.

Air Filter and HVAC Cleaning-
The frequency of air filter replacement and HVAC system cleaning has been increased and fresh air substitution will be maximized.

Employee Health And Safe:

Our team is receiving daily briefings, enhanced operating protocols, and on-going trainings in accord with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations. Their safety is of the utmost importance to us and we're committed to ensuring they stay safe while welcoming and servicing our guests.

COVID-19 Training-
All employees will receive training on COVID-19 safety and sanitation protocols with more than comprehensive training for our teams with frequent guest contact including Housekeeping, Food & Drink, and Hotel Operations.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)-
Advisable PPE will exist worn past all employees based on their office and responsibilities and in adherence to country or local regulations and guidance. Training on how to properly use and dispose of all PPE will be mandatory. Every employee inbound the hotel will be provided a mask and required to vesture that mask while on property. Gloves will be provided to employees whose responsibilities require them every bit determined by medical experts including housekeeping and public surface area attendants.

Touchless Thermometers-
All employees will be required to accept a non¬invasive temperature cheque utilizing a touchless thermometer at the start of every shift. Anyone displaying a temperature over 100.0°F volition sent dwelling house and not allowed to work that day and will be directed towards appropriate medical care. Anyone unable to work for three consecutive days will need a medico'southward note to return to work.

While we hope to come across yous, if you have symptoms of illness, delight stay abode and avert contact with other people. Nosotros truly cheers for your understanding and cooperation during this new travel surroundings. We look forward to welcoming you back!

For the near updated information on COVID-19 rubber procedures and protocols, please refer to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or your local health authorisation.

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