Home Depot Chalk Paint for Furniture

Photograph Courtesy: Paul Barton/Fuse/Corbis/Getty Images

Painting your business firm is a relatively big improvement task, merely information technology tin freshen upwards the expect of your domicile, give it a dissimilar appearance birthday and even help seal the outer surfaces of the firm to protect them from humidity and conditions damage. Whether you lot desire to give your place some character or go information technology looking its best in preparation for a sale, painting is a quick way to make a big impact. If you lot're planning on painting the exterior of your home yourself to save on costs, these tips can help y'all make the almost of this projection.

Check the Forecast

While you can paint your house when information technology's raining out, it'south best to wait for a block of sunny days during which to complete the entire job. Atmospheric precipitation can slow the projection, making it difficult to get work done — will you really feel comfortable and safe climbing ladders in a downpour? Raindrops can also ruin your paint chore, causing the new hue to become streaky, and they tin besides splatter paint onto surfaces of your home (like your windows) where you don't want paint to travel. Humidity interferes with the pigment'southward ability to dry chop-chop, and windy conditions can crusade the pigment to dry too fast — yes, that's a thing, and it can make big cracks form in the paint. It'south best to look for a block of sunny, at-home days (between 60ºF to 90ºF) to complete your project. Ever noticed how painting companies are busiest during the summer? This is why.

Start With a Clean Slate

It might exist tempting to slap those fresh coats on as quickly as possible if you're nearing the end of your rope looking at that flaking, cracked old paint. Merely some prepwork is essential for helping the pigment look its best and last as long as possible. Earlier you lot brainstorm painting, accept the time to force per unit area-wash the exterior of your house. This helps remove some of the chipping pigment, but information technology too provides a clean surface for the new paint to stick to. Remove all the grit, cobwebs, dirt, moss and algae by starting your washing at the acme of your dwelling house most the roof and working your way downwardly. Use a low power setting to prevent the stream of water from damaging siding and knocking shingles loose. Softer materials like stucco and woods do best at 1,200–i,500 psi (pounds per square inch, or the amount of pressure the h2o puts on the surface), and harder materials like brick and steel can handle higher levels of 2,500–three,000 psi.

Don Your Structure Cap

No need for a hard lid here — but be prepared to make a few repairs as necessary. Like cleaning exterior surfaces, repairing damaged spots on the outside of your home makes the paint expect best and last longest. Plus, when y'all're dedicating this much effort to get your firm freshened up, there'southward no improve time to tackle those minor jobs you've been putting off. Work your mode around the home, taking annotation of spots where y'all run into peeling paint, gaps in caulking splintered wood or any other areas of similar harm that can affect how well the paint applies and dries. Sand abroad chipping paint and splintered wood. Scrape out old caulk and re-apply new caulk around door and window trim. Use a spackle knife to utilise epoxy filler to small cracks and holes, and sand these areas smoothen when dry. If yous observe areas of rot, it's best to replace them completely — the paint won't stick to the decomposing wood.

Become for Quality

While pigment technology has improved by leaps and bounds over the past few years, there are notwithstanding some not-so-spectacular options on the market — and they're normally the cheapest ones. It pays off in the long run to treat this project as an investment in your habitation; choosing the highest-quality pigment you can afford means a meliorate overall look and a longer interval between now and the adjacent time you'll need to paint. Higher-cost options typically provide noticeably better coverage and are much more than durable over the long term, lasting fifteen years or more.

Know Your Type

While oil-based paints were once the darlings of house painters everywhere, they've slowly fallen out of favor as acrylic has risen to the peak. And you lot'll probable want to choose acrylic, too. Why? They offering outstanding durability and perform ameliorate than near other formulations on a wider multifariousness of surfaces. Exterior-grade acrylic paints adhere nicely to surfaces like stucco and forest, but they're as well best for masonry surfaces like brick and rock, which need to allow h2o vapor to laissez passer through them — something oil-based paints, which trap moisture, don't practise. Oil-based paints exercise have their place, though; they're best for high-touch surfaces like doors or those that need added durability, such every bit the floor of a porch.

Don't forget the gloss, either. This describes how shiny and cogitating the pigment is — and also how it performs. Satin and eggshell finishes are best for the majority of your dwelling's exterior considering they mask imperfections but provide just enough smoothen over matte paints to make them more than durable and easier to clean. Semigloss paint is best for trim, particularly on areas like window sills that might suffer rain or snow sitting on them, due to its improved durability. High-gloss paint, like its name indicates, is quite shiny and shows even the smallest imperfections. It'south best for adding some popular to shutters and doors.

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